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New ListingVintage 1966 Marwal Spanish Senorita woman bust red flowers chalkware by BrowerNew ListingVintage 1966 Marwal Spanish Senorita woman bust red flowers chalkware by Brower $79.99 New Listing2pc Vintage Chalkware/Molded Head Bust Face - Man w/Pipe, Man in Straw HatNew Listing2pc Vintage Chalkware/Molded Head Bust Face - Man w/Pipe, Man in Straw Hat $16.00
Vintage Miller Studios Chalkware Tropical Birds of Paradise Set of 3 Groovy McmVintage Miller Studios Chalkware Tropical Birds of Paradise Set of 3 Groovy Mcm $89.99 Old Chalkware Rooster 5” TallOld Chalkware Rooster 5” Tall $14.85
New Listing2pc Vintage Molded Chalkware Head/Bust/Face - One in Red - One in GreenNew Listing2pc Vintage Molded Chalkware Head/Bust/Face - One in Red - One in Green $19.99 New ListingVintage 1966 Marwal Chalkware Spanish Lady Senorita Figurine StatueNew ListingVintage 1966 Marwal Chalkware Spanish Lady Senorita Figurine Statue $39.99
New ListingVintage Chalkware Bank With Actual Silver Coins and Tokens Inside!New ListingVintage Chalkware Bank With Actual Silver Coins and Tokens Inside! $5.00 Exceptional Baseball~15” Hank Aaron~Bat At Homeplate Braves Chalkware SculptureExceptional Baseball~15” Hank Aaron~Bat At Homeplate Braves Chalkware Sculpture $9.99
New ListingVintage Chalkware Hula Dancer On Spring ~ CuteNew ListingVintage Chalkware Hula Dancer On Spring ~ Cute $20.00 Rare Tis' Me' Chalkware Figurine.Rare Tis' Me' Chalkware Figurine. $369.00
Starfish Chalkware Set - Retro Bathroom DecorStarfish Chalkware Set - Retro Bathroom Decor $36.00 Three (3) Chalkware Bubbles - Pearlescent Color ChoiceThree (3) Chalkware Bubbles - Pearlescent Color Choice $24.00
Chalkware Statue of MaryChalkware Statue of Mary $15.00 1950s Ballet Dancer Wall Hanging Figurine Chalkware1950s Ballet Dancer Wall Hanging Figurine Chalkware $95.00
Instantly Cute! Black Girl Chalkware Plaster Bust Wall Hanger Key Holder, Sweet!Instantly Cute! Black Girl Chalkware Plaster Bust Wall Hanger Key Holder, Sweet! $39.70 Poker Face ChalkwarePoker Face Chalkware $100.00
Vintage Chalkware Chalk Ware Jesus Mary Statue Lot Of 3Vintage Chalkware Chalk Ware Jesus Mary Statue Lot Of 3 $75.00 Vtg Chalkware Handpaint Kitchen Decor Vegetables Onion Tomatoes Carrots OnionsVtg Chalkware Handpaint Kitchen Decor Vegetables Onion Tomatoes Carrots Onions $14.99
Vtg Nativity Chalkware? Figurine Wisemen, Mary & Joseph, 3 Animals Baby AngelVtg Nativity Chalkware? Figurine Wisemen, Mary & Joseph, 3 Animals Baby Angel $35.00 New ListingVintage 3D Cherubs chalkware wall plaque wall hangingNew ListingVintage 3D Cherubs chalkware wall plaque wall hanging $12.95
Vintage 1960s One Piece Plaster Black Painted Car 2 1/2" Long ChalkwareVintage 1960s One Piece Plaster Black Painted Car 2 1/2" Long Chalkware $8.40 Collectible Legends Products Friar Tuck Chalkware Head Hanging WallCollectible Legends Products Friar Tuck Chalkware Head Hanging Wall $18.05
Vintage Chalkware Banana Bunch Salt & Pepper SetVintage Chalkware Banana Bunch Salt & Pepper Set $9.99 New ListingVint. Lot Bossons Chalkware Figure Head. Patty, Mr. Wang, Fisherwomen -ExcellentNew ListingVint. Lot Bossons Chalkware Figure Head. Patty, Mr. Wang, Fisherwomen -Excellent $50.00
Vintage Chalkware Bride And Groom Wedding Cake Topper 3.75” Sad But CharmingVintage Chalkware Bride And Groom Wedding Cake Topper 3.75” Sad But Charming $6.00 Virgin Mary & Jesus 19" Chalkware Mcm 3-D Wall Plaque Mi Composition & LampVirgin Mary & Jesus 19" Chalkware Mcm 3-D Wall Plaque Mi Composition & Lamp $128.88
Vintage Painted Plaster Chalkware Angel Cherub Wall PlaqueVintage Painted Plaster Chalkware Angel Cherub Wall Plaque $9.99 Sebastian Miniature Sml-413- Harry Hood - LargeSebastian Miniature Sml-413- Harry Hood - Large $120.00
New ListingAlexander Backer Hand Painted Chalkware Boy And Girl VintageNew ListingAlexander Backer Hand Painted Chalkware Boy And Girl Vintage $45.00 Starfish Chalkware Set - Retro Bathroom Decor - Pale PinkStarfish Chalkware Set - Retro Bathroom Decor - Pale Pink $36.00
Lady Fish + Starfish Chalkware SetLady Fish + Starfish Chalkware Set $45.00 1950's Italian Chalkware Figure St Lucy Patron Saint of the Blind1950's Italian Chalkware Figure St Lucy Patron Saint of the Blind $50.00
Vintage Chalkware Nativity Scene Figure Wise Man King Magi Replacement 3" RedVintage Chalkware Nativity Scene Figure Wise Man King Magi Replacement 3" Red $4.99 Vintage Miller Chalkware Wall Plaque New in Package Red RadishesVintage Miller Chalkware Wall Plaque New in Package Red Radishes $12.99
Set of 3 Chalkware White Doves in Flight Wall Hangings VintageSet of 3 Chalkware White Doves in Flight Wall Hangings Vintage $40.00 New ListingVintage 5 Pc Kissing Fish ChalkwareNew ListingVintage 5 Pc Kissing Fish Chalkware $32.00
New ListingVintage Marwal 15" Chalkware Pedestal Bust Madonna & Child Virgin MaryNew ListingVintage Marwal 15" Chalkware Pedestal Bust Madonna & Child Virgin Mary $29.99 Vintage 1947 Chalkware Wedding Cake TopperVintage 1947 Chalkware Wedding Cake Topper $10.00
Retro Style Chalkware Mermaid + Bubbles SetRetro Style Chalkware Mermaid + Bubbles Set $45.00 New ListingMatched Pair 1972 Vintage Chalkware Parrot Bird Cockatoo Miller Studio 14 InchesNew ListingMatched Pair 1972 Vintage Chalkware Parrot Bird Cockatoo Miller Studio 14 Inches $30.00
New ListingVintage Oxen Christmas Nativity Figurine Chalkware Plaster Statue Bull CowNew ListingVintage Oxen Christmas Nativity Figurine Chalkware Plaster Statue Bull Cow $15.00 Beautiful Vintage Chalkware Figurine (farm Girl)Beautiful Vintage Chalkware Figurine (farm Girl) $45.00
Vintage Large 23" Traditional Cigar Tobacco Indian Chief Chalkware SculptureVintage Large 23" Traditional Cigar Tobacco Indian Chief Chalkware Sculpture $154.45 Owls Wilson Craft Set Of 3 Chalkware Fortville, Ind 1971 VintageOwls Wilson Craft Set Of 3 Chalkware Fortville, Ind 1971 Vintage $10.99
Vintage Chalkware Kitchen Pear and Pineapple with cute faces Mid-centuryVintage Chalkware Kitchen Pear and Pineapple with cute faces Mid-century $10.00 Vintage Chalkware Girl in Red Dress with Flowers Flower BasketVintage Chalkware Girl in Red Dress with Flowers Flower Basket $5.00
Vintage 1961 Miller Studio Chalkware Hound Dog Beagle Bassett faceVintage 1961 Miller Studio Chalkware Hound Dog Beagle Bassett face $7.90 Lot Of 2 Vintage 18" Nubian Chalkware Statues Man Woman And ChildLot Of 2 Vintage 18" Nubian Chalkware Statues Man Woman And Child $120.00
Chalkware Statuary 1939 St Jude 9” Chalkware Statue, Made ItalyChalkware Statuary 1939 St Jude 9” Chalkware Statue, Made Italy $22.99 Vintage Usa Chalkware Santa Claus FigureVintage Usa Chalkware Santa Claus Figure $20.00
New ListingVintage Miller Studios Anthropomorphic Kissing Fish Wall Chalkware Plaque 1954New ListingVintage Miller Studios Anthropomorphic Kissing Fish Wall Chalkware Plaque 1954 $12.98 New ListingVintage 9” Chalkware Girl in Dress Hat Carnival prizeNew ListingVintage 9” Chalkware Girl in Dress Hat Carnival prize $0.99
New ListingVtg Aloha Hawaiian Hula Girl Chalkware Dashboard Nodder Dance Japan Read DamagedNew ListingVtg Aloha Hawaiian Hula Girl Chalkware Dashboard Nodder Dance Japan Read Damaged $35.00 Vintage Arnels Rush to the Outhouse Chalkware Wall Hangings 3Pcs Plaque BathroomVintage Arnels Rush to the Outhouse Chalkware Wall Hangings 3Pcs Plaque Bathroom $24.49
Vintage Mid Century Anamorphic Kissing Fish Chalkware Wall Plaques Green PinkVintage Mid Century Anamorphic Kissing Fish Chalkware Wall Plaques Green Pink $50.00 Vintage string holder chalkware girl “Rosie the Riveter” Signed Bello 1942Vintage string holder chalkware girl “Rosie the Riveter” Signed Bello 1942 $49.99
New Listing1930 Chalkware Mary holding Crucified JesusNew Listing1930 Chalkware Mary holding Crucified Jesus $79.00 Howdy Doody Chalkware - 1950’s - RareHowdy Doody Chalkware - 1950’s - Rare $49.99
Vintage 13” Cigar Store Native American Indian Chief Salute Statue 4" ChalkwareVintage 13” Cigar Store Native American Indian Chief Salute Statue 4" Chalkware $67.00 Vintage Chalkware Chalkware Statue Sacred Heart of Jesus Christianity 12.5” #FfVintage Chalkware Chalkware Statue Sacred Heart of Jesus Christianity 12.5” #Ff $48.00
Rare Mint Condition - Olaf Tryggavasson King Of Vikings: Bossons Chalkware HeadRare Mint Condition - Olaf Tryggavasson King Of Vikings: Bossons Chalkware Head $161.47
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Prices current as of last update, 02/17/25 3:01am.

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