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Lladro Porcelain Figurine Spring Glossy 5217 Girl With Flowers Retired With BoxLladro Porcelain Figurine Spring Glossy 5217 Girl With Flowers Retired With Box $49.99 Lladro 01008753 A New Life Mother Figurine #8753Lladro 01008753 A New Life Mother Figurine #8753 $747.59
Lladro 01009382 Panther with Cub Black #9382 New + F/SLladro 01009382 Panther with Cub Black #9382 New + F/S $997.00 New ListingLladro Porcelain Figurine Shepherd Girl Basket 4678 Spain 8.5” Missing StickNew ListingLladro Porcelain Figurine Shepherd Girl Basket 4678 Spain 8.5” Missing Stick $29.99
Lladro 01009715 Rama Sculpture Golden Luster #9715Lladro 01009715 Rama Sculpture Golden Luster #9715 $654.67 New Listing1977 Lladro Spain Boy Yawning Stretching Dots Ceramic 8.5” Figurine Retired 4870New Listing1977 Lladro Spain Boy Yawning Stretching Dots Ceramic 8.5” Figurine Retired 4870 $49.99
Lladro Porcelain Figurine 4895 small Ducklings with mother duck cudlingLladro Porcelain Figurine 4895 small Ducklings with mother duck cudling $89.32 Lladro 1997 Figurine “Shhh.They’Re Sleeping” Girl And Cat In Chair Nib w CoaLladro 1997 Figurine “Shhh.They’Re Sleeping” Girl And Cat In Chair Nib w Coa
Rare Vtg Lladro Porcelain Figurine 5384 Petite Pair Victorian Women 1965 w/ BoxRare Vtg Lladro Porcelain Figurine 5384 Petite Pair Victorian Women 1965 w/ Box $140.00 1987 Lladro Circus Sam Porcelain Clown Figurine 5472 Retired Original Box1987 Lladro Circus Sam Porcelain Clown Figurine 5472 Retired Original Box $133.99
Lladro 5898 Spring Splendor w/ Original Box - Perfect ConditionLladro 5898 Spring Splendor w/ Original Box - Perfect Condition $495.00 Vintage Lladro #4826 Retired Rabbits Food Girl W/Bunny glossy Porcelain FigurineVintage Lladro #4826 Retired Rabbits Food Girl W/Bunny glossy Porcelain Figurine $69.99
Lladro Two Figures In Night Shirts With Candles One Girl & One Boy With A ChildLladro Two Figures In Night Shirts With Candles One Girl & One Boy With A Child $60.00 Vintage Lladro Nao Spain Porcelain Goose Figurine C.1976 - H 10Vintage Lladro Nao Spain Porcelain Goose Figurine C.1976 - H 10 $33.80
New ListingLladro Eskimo Boy Petting Baby Polar Bear Figurine (1984)New ListingLladro Eskimo Boy Petting Baby Polar Bear Figurine (1984) $25.99 1990 Lladro Picture Perfect Collectors Soc. Porcelain Figurine 7612 Retired1990 Lladro Picture Perfect Collectors Soc. Porcelain Figurine 7612 Retired $142.99
Lladro I Have Super Powers Baby Boy Figurine 01009482Lladro I Have Super Powers Baby Boy Figurine 01009482 $504.74 Lladro 6877 "In A Magical Garden" 9.5" Tall Sculpture Girl On A Branch New BoxLladro 6877 "In A Magical Garden" 9.5" Tall Sculpture Girl On A Branch New Box $375.00
Lladro 3 White Geese. Beautiful F101Lladro 3 White Geese. Beautiful F101 $67.80 New ListingRetired Lladro Pretty Pickings #5222 Girl w Hat Flower Basket Porcelain FigurineNew ListingRetired Lladro Pretty Pickings #5222 Girl w Hat Flower Basket Porcelain Figurine $22.00
Lladro, The Flamingos Pink Figurine, #9675 Brand New, Mint & Boxed!Lladro, The Flamingos Pink Figurine, #9675 Brand New, Mint & Boxed! $549.95 Lladro In A Tropical Garden #1479Lladro In A Tropical Garden #1479 $199.00
Vintage Lladro "Ten And Growing" 07635 Limited Edition - Girl Kissing BoyVintage Lladro "Ten And Growing" 07635 Limited Edition - Girl Kissing Boy $100.00 New ListingLladro Dopey #9324 Disney Collection (No Original Box)New ListingLladro Dopey #9324 Disney Collection (No Original Box) $145.00
New ListingLladro Heavenly Dreamer Porcelain Figurine #5728 Made In Spain 1989 VintageNew ListingLladro Heavenly Dreamer Porcelain Figurine #5728 Made In Spain 1989 Vintage $49.99or Best Offer Lladro 01008752 Retired Let's Swing Couple Figurine Limited Edition #8752Lladro 01008752 Retired Let's Swing Couple Figurine Limited Edition #8752 $1,531.10
New ListingLladro - Figurine #5172 "Fish A Plenty" - With Original Box - Retired 1994New ListingLladro - Figurine #5172 "Fish A Plenty" - With Original Box - Retired 1994 $195.95 New ListingLladro Golden Memories #4035 Lighting the Stars Figurine W/Box & CertificateNew ListingLladro Golden Memories #4035 Lighting the Stars Figurine W/Box & Certificate $34.99
Lladro 01009762 Immaculate Heart of Mary Religious Sculpture #9762 + New F/SLladro 01009762 Immaculate Heart of Mary Religious Sculpture #9762 + New F/S $1,525.81 New ListingLladro Figurine For Sale “Horses Galloping” 4655New ListingLladro Figurine For Sale “Horses Galloping” 4655 $300.00
3 Lladro Figurines #1011 Girl w/Piglet #5429 Happy Bday Girl #7604 School Days3 Lladro Figurines #1011 Girl w/Piglet #5429 Happy Bday Girl #7604 School Days $95.00 Lladro # 5708 My First Class Figure Spain Figurine Girl 10"Lladro # 5708 My First Class Figure Spain Figurine Girl 10" $98.00
Vintage Murano Blown Glass Goose J 93Vintage Murano Blown Glass Goose J 93 $25.00 Lladro 01008477 Great Christmas Tree Limited Edition #8477 First Quality NewLladro 01008477 Great Christmas Tree Limited Edition #8477 First Quality New $3,906.92
New ListingLladro Daisa Golden Memories Figurine Boy with Cake Spain Vintage Figurine GlowNew ListingLladro Daisa Golden Memories Figurine Boy with Cake Spain Vintage Figurine Glow $22.99 New ListingLladro #1418 “Flower Harmony” 1983 Seated Girl With Vase & Pink Flowers. FlawedNew ListingLladro #1418 “Flower Harmony” 1983 Seated Girl With Vase & Pink Flowers. Flawed $49.99
New ListingVintage Lladro Porcelain Figurines ‘Boy and Girl Kissing’New ListingVintage Lladro Porcelain Figurines ‘Boy and Girl Kissing’ $39.88 New ListingLladro 6855 By The Seashore Boy With SailboatNew ListingLladro 6855 By The Seashore Boy With Sailboat $230.00
Lladro 9377 Girls Fun Figurine Brand New In Original Box From LladroLladro 9377 Girls Fun Figurine Brand New In Original Box From Lladro $99.99 Lladro Lovers Waltz #8509Lladro Lovers Waltz #8509 $750.00
New ListingLladro Porcelain Figurine # 1180 "Little Girl With Turkeys"New ListingLladro Porcelain Figurine # 1180 "Little Girl With Turkeys" $145.00 New ListingLladro Carmencita Spanish Dancing Girl Porcelain Figurine 5.5" Tall #5375New ListingLladro Carmencita Spanish Dancing Girl Porcelain Figurine 5.5" Tall #5375 $49.00
Lladro #4769 Ermine in Lladro BoxLladro #4769 Ermine in Lladro Box $280.80 Lladro Figurine New Shepherd without wood stickLladro Figurine New Shepherd without wood stick $54.80
Lladro 8264 "Look Out Below" Boy On Sled 6" Retired FigurineLladro 8264 "Look Out Below" Boy On Sled 6" Retired Figurine $69.99 1984 Lladro Clown Payaso Acostado Porcelain Clown With Ball 4618 Retired1984 Lladro Clown Payaso Acostado Porcelain Clown With Ball 4618 Retired $149.99
New ListingVintage Lladro Spain 'Sunday Prayer' #6584 Porcelain FigurineNew ListingVintage Lladro Spain 'Sunday Prayer' #6584 Porcelain Figurine $150.00 Rare Lladro 7617 Garden Classic Lady w/ Parasol Porcelain Figurine Original BoxRare Lladro 7617 Garden Classic Lady w/ Parasol Porcelain Figurine Original Box $175.00
New ListingVintage Lladro "Don Quixote Standing" Missing Sword Porcelain SculptureNew ListingVintage Lladro "Don Quixote Standing" Missing Sword Porcelain Sculpture $45.00 Lladro 01009133 Let's Go for A Ride Girl Figurine #9133Lladro 01009133 Let's Go for A Ride Girl Figurine #9133 $1,090.00
New ListingLladró Salsa Dancing Limited edition of 3000 pieces 13.7 x 8.2 x 11 inchesNew ListingLladró Salsa Dancing Limited edition of 3000 pieces 13.7 x 8.2 x 11 inches $1,159.14 Lladro #6702 Nature'S Observer In Box Green Frog Toad Spring RareLladro #6702 Nature'S Observer In Box Green Frog Toad Spring Rare $79.00
Amazing Ltd. Ed. Lladro #1811 " Moses And The Ten Commandments " Excellent/MintAmazing Ltd. Ed. Lladro #1811 " Moses And The Ten Commandments " Excellent/Mint $2,249.99 Lladro #5280 Porcelain Figurine The Hiker Figure 1985 Hiker with Binoculars RareLladro #5280 Porcelain Figurine The Hiker Figure 1985 Hiker with Binoculars Rare $125.00
Lladro Sleeping Child FigurineLladro Sleeping Child Figurine $38.70 Rare Very Large Limited Edition Lladro Hamlet #1144_Retail $5,750 My CollectionRare Very Large Limited Edition Lladro Hamlet #1144_Retail $5,750 My Collection $1,600.00
Lladro Children In Night ShirtsLladro Children In Night Shirts $51.60 New ListingLladro Figurine My Little Reindeer 01009130 Very RareNew ListingLladro Figurine My Little Reindeer 01009130 Very Rare $379.99
New ListingLladro Porcelain Figurine Shepherdess w/ Dog & Basket #1034 w/ BoxNew ListingLladro Porcelain Figurine Shepherdess w/ Dog & Basket #1034 w/ Box $55.00 New ListingLladro Susan Young Girl With Straw Hat 5644 Spain Porcelain Vtg Figurine MintNew ListingLladro Susan Young Girl With Straw Hat 5644 Spain Porcelain Vtg Figurine Mint $150.00
New ListingLladro #5165 "A Toast by Sancho" Sancho Panza With Leather Bottle - RetiredNew ListingLladro #5165 "A Toast by Sancho" Sancho Panza With Leather Bottle - Retired $134.99 Lladro Porcelain Figure #6439 Caught In The Act 1996 w/ BoxLladro Porcelain Figure #6439 Caught In The Act 1996 w/ Box $80.00
lladro a heavenly christmaslladro a heavenly christmas $91.00 New ListingLladro Spain Porcelain Figurine Evita 5212 Girl Umbrella Parasol Original BoxNew ListingLladro Spain Porcelain Figurine Evita 5212 Girl Umbrella Parasol Original Box $150.00
New ListingLladro Bisque Matte Girl In Scarf with Calla Lillies Flowers 9” Figurine RetiredNew ListingLladro Bisque Matte Girl In Scarf with Calla Lillies Flowers 9” Figurine Retired $49.87
Click to see more Lladro items at
Prices current as of last update, 02/12/25 2:31am.

See also...
Figurines, Lladro
Ornaments, Lladro
Other Lladro Collectibles, Lladro

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