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New ListingEnesco "Cute as a Button " SnowmanNew ListingEnesco "Cute as a Button " Snowman $6.00 Assortment of Vintage Enesco Christmas Ornaments - You Choose XiAssortment of Vintage Enesco Christmas Ornaments - You Choose Xi $4.95 to
Jim Shore Heartwood Creek Ladybug Spring Gnome Figurine 6010288Jim Shore Heartwood Creek Ladybug Spring Gnome Figurine 6010288 $30.38 New ListingEnesco Treasured Memories Mother and Babe Figurine 1981 MaylasiaNew ListingEnesco Treasured Memories Mother and Babe Figurine 1981 Maylasia $5.99
New ListingEnesco Grandpa Pepper Shaker from "Once More for Old Times Sake" Set (Single)New ListingEnesco Grandpa Pepper Shaker from "Once More for Old Times Sake" Set (Single) $9.99 Enesco Jim Shore Heartwood Creek Summer Gnome with Burger Figurine 5 InchEnesco Jim Shore Heartwood Creek Summer Gnome with Burger Figurine 5 Inch $15.25
Enesco Jim Shore Heartwood Creek Cardinal Mini FigurineEnesco Jim Shore Heartwood Creek Cardinal Mini Figurine $25.19 New ListingVintage Enesco Ceramic Baby Bootie Shoe with Blue Bear Planter E-7296New ListingVintage Enesco Ceramic Baby Bootie Shoe with Blue Bear Planter E-7296 $12.99
Enesco Jim Shore Button and Squeaky and Pinky Birthday Cake Figurine 6.3 InchEnesco Jim Shore Button and Squeaky and Pinky Birthday Cake Figurine 6.3 Inch $25.00 New ListingVtg Enesco Patriotic Salt & Pepper Shakers, Bill of Rights, Independence DayNew ListingVtg Enesco Patriotic Salt & Pepper Shakers, Bill of Rights, Independence Day $29.98
Enesco Dazzle Metal Praying Angel Holiday Figurine, GiftEnesco Dazzle Metal Praying Angel Holiday Figurine, Gift $39.99 Vintage Enesco parasol Mermaids With BubblesVintage Enesco parasol Mermaids With Bubbles $59.99
Jim Shore Snoopy With 4 Leaf Clover/Shamrock Fig. Mini Peanuts Nib Enesco 2.6”HJim Shore Snoopy With 4 Leaf Clover/Shamrock Fig. Mini Peanuts Nib Enesco 2.6”H $24.29 Jim Shore Heartwood Creek Dutch Santa Figurine 4034367Jim Shore Heartwood Creek Dutch Santa Figurine 4034367 $51.99
Jim Shore Peanuts Lucy Christmas Train Car 5 All Welcome Figurine 5.43" 6000991Jim Shore Peanuts Lucy Christmas Train Car 5 All Welcome Figurine 5.43" 6000991 $44.99 Enesco Jim Shore Heartwood Creek Irish Gnome with Shamrock Figurine 6008402Enesco Jim Shore Heartwood Creek Irish Gnome with Shamrock Figurine 6008402 $22.00
New ListingCherished Teddies Ray Circus Popcorn CartNew ListingCherished Teddies Ray Circus Popcorn Cart $12.00 New ListingEnesco 1983 Mouse 3" Figurine Conducting Music Ceramic DecorNew ListingEnesco 1983 Mouse 3" Figurine Conducting Music Ceramic Decor $8.90
Enesco Jim Shore Button and Squeaky She Loves Me Flower Petals Figurine 5.79 In.Enesco Jim Shore Button and Squeaky She Loves Me Flower Petals Figurine 5.79 In. $25.00 Enesco Jim Shore Disney - Mickey & Minnie on Swing #6008328Enesco Jim Shore Disney - Mickey & Minnie on Swing #6008328 $68.00
Enesco Jim Shore Heartwood Creek Best Mom Gnome Figurine 4.9 InchEnesco Jim Shore Heartwood Creek Best Mom Gnome Figurine 4.9 Inch $15.90 Jim Shore Beatrix Potter Mrs Rabbit with Bunnies Figurine 6.69 Inch 6010688Jim Shore Beatrix Potter Mrs Rabbit with Bunnies Figurine 6.69 Inch 6010688 $79.59
New ListingDisney Traditions Jim Shore showcase Mickey Mouse "The Original" EnescoNew ListingDisney Traditions Jim Shore showcase Mickey Mouse "The Original" Enesco $28.99 New ListingCherished Teddies DinaNew ListingCherished Teddies Dina $8.00
New ListingEnesco Santa Bunny Chimney Figurine Donna Little 1999 Rabbit #544396 Size 6"New ListingEnesco Santa Bunny Chimney Figurine Donna Little 1999 Rabbit #544396 Size 6" $8.99 Vintage Enesco Precious Moments 1998 Snowglobe Girl Looking At A FlowerVintage Enesco Precious Moments 1998 Snowglobe Girl Looking At A Flower $10.00
New ListingCherished Teddies Mike Circus Cotton CandyNew ListingCherished Teddies Mike Circus Cotton Candy $8.00 Figurine Sisters Best Friends, You have to kiss toads before you meet your princFigurine Sisters Best Friends, You have to kiss toads before you meet your princ $15.00
Precious Moments The Lords Prayer 2000Precious Moments The Lords Prayer 2000 $30.00 New ListingCherished Teddies Charissa and AshylynnNew ListingCherished Teddies Charissa and Ashylynn $10.00
Jim Shore Roly Santa W/ String Of Bells Hanging Ornament 4014457 Enesco 2009Jim Shore Roly Santa W/ String Of Bells Hanging Ornament 4014457 Enesco 2009 $35.95 New ListingCherished Teddies Bruno Circus RingmasterNew ListingCherished Teddies Bruno Circus Ringmaster $8.00
Enesco Jim Shore Heartwood Creek Chef Gnome with Bowl and Spoon Figurine 6 InchEnesco Jim Shore Heartwood Creek Chef Gnome with Bowl and Spoon Figurine 6 Inch $17.35 Jim Shore Heartwood Creek Elf with Toys Train Car Figurine 6011894Jim Shore Heartwood Creek Elf with Toys Train Car Figurine 6011894 $99.99
Enesco Treasury of Christmas Ornaments 1993 Vintage “Sleddin’ Mr. Snowman Dv103Enesco Treasury of Christmas Ornaments 1993 Vintage “Sleddin’ Mr. Snowman Dv103 $15.99 New ListingEnesco Vintage Mickey Mouse Car FigurineNew ListingEnesco Vintage Mickey Mouse Car Figurine $40.00
New ListingVintage Enesco Small Horse.One Of A KindNew ListingVintage Enesco Small Horse.One Of A Kind $12.00 New ListingCherished Teddies Christmas Tree AccessoryNew ListingCherished Teddies Christmas Tree Accessory $8.00
C4 Jim Shore Enesco Rudolph Rocking Christmas Ornament- New!C4 Jim Shore Enesco Rudolph Rocking Christmas Ornament- New! $13.99 New ListingEnesco Garfield as "Deer Garfield" Christmas Tree Ornament From 1978New ListingEnesco Garfield as "Deer Garfield" Christmas Tree Ornament From 1978 $11.00
Jim Shore Irish Mini Shamrock Figurine 3.2””H Nib Enesco Stone Resin NibJim Shore Irish Mini Shamrock Figurine 3.2””H Nib Enesco Stone Resin Nib $22.49 Enesco Jim Shore Button and Squeaky Sharing a Sundae Figurine 5.91 InchEnesco Jim Shore Button and Squeaky Sharing a Sundae Figurine 5.91 Inch $30.00
Enesco Cherished Teddies Megan Spring Brings A Season of Beauty 1997 #203300Enesco Cherished Teddies Megan Spring Brings A Season of Beauty 1997 #203300 $12.00 Enesco Jim Shore Heartwood Creek Sewing Gnome Figurine 7.25 InchEnesco Jim Shore Heartwood Creek Sewing Gnome Figurine 7.25 Inch $17.10
1991 Nib Enesco Ornament 10th Year Anniversary A Decade Of Treasures Chest1991 Nib Enesco Ornament 10th Year Anniversary A Decade Of Treasures Chest $28.95 Enesco Jim Shore Heartwood Creek Nordic Noel Gnome in Flap Hat Figurine 8.7 InchEnesco Jim Shore Heartwood Creek Nordic Noel Gnome in Flap Hat Figurine 8.7 Inch $17.95
Enesco Jim Shore - Red Floral Hat Gnome (4") #6006626Enesco Jim Shore - Red Floral Hat Gnome (4") #6006626 $18.40 1998 Lady Bug Tender Tails by Enesco Corp. Precious Moments.1998 Lady Bug Tender Tails by Enesco Corp. Precious Moments. $7.00
Enesco Monopoly Take A Chance On The Holiday 1992-94 Ltd Ed 594075 OrnamentEnesco Monopoly Take A Chance On The Holiday 1992-94 Ltd Ed 594075 Ornament $39.99 New ListingEnesco-Madonna And ChildNew ListingEnesco-Madonna And Child $30.00
Enesco Jim Shore Heartwood Creek White Woodland Gnome Acorn Hat Figurine 4.6 In.Enesco Jim Shore Heartwood Creek White Woodland Gnome Acorn Hat Figurine 4.6 In. $15.45 Vintage Enesco Treasury of Christmas Ornaments - You Pick and Choose - #2Vintage Enesco Treasury of Christmas Ornaments - You Pick and Choose - #2 $5.95 to
1998 Enesco Cherished Teddies Girl Picnic Basket Votive Candle Holder 2.5”T1998 Enesco Cherished Teddies Girl Picnic Basket Votive Candle Holder 2.5”T $10.00 Enesco Jim Shore Heartwood Creek Coastal Gnome with Beachball Figurine 7.09 InchEnesco Jim Shore Heartwood Creek Coastal Gnome with Beachball Figurine 7.09 Inch $17.20
Enesco Jim Shore Heartwood Creek Gnome with Mushroom Hat Figurine 5.31 InchEnesco Jim Shore Heartwood Creek Gnome with Mushroom Hat Figurine 5.31 Inch $15.90 Karen Hahn foundations Bride, And Groom. 111812Karen Hahn foundations Bride, And Groom. 111812 $30.00
Enesco Treasury of Christmas Ornaments - Mix and Match Your OwnEnesco Treasury of Christmas Ornaments - Mix and Match Your Own $12.50 Enesco Jim Shore Heartwood Creek Irish Gnome with Shamrock Figurine, 6.5 Inch,Enesco Jim Shore Heartwood Creek Irish Gnome with Shamrock Figurine, 6.5 Inch, $30.99
Enesco Jim Shore Heartwood Creek Patriotic Eagle Gnome Figurine 11 InchEnesco Jim Shore Heartwood Creek Patriotic Eagle Gnome Figurine 11 Inch $45.00 Enesco Jim Shore Heartwood Creek Gnomes Around the World French Figurine 5.5 In.Enesco Jim Shore Heartwood Creek Gnomes Around the World French Figurine 5.5 In. $15.25
Precious Moments Snowglobe Musical Brahm's Lullaby'sPrecious Moments Snowglobe Musical Brahm's Lullaby's $20.00 New ListingEnesco Christmas Bear Penny Coin Bank Ceramic 1986New ListingEnesco Christmas Bear Penny Coin Bank Ceramic 1986 $6.99
New ListingEnesco Country Cousins Polly riding tricycle ornamentNew ListingEnesco Country Cousins Polly riding tricycle ornament $5.00
Click to see more Enesco items at
Prices current as of last update, 02/17/25 9:01am.

See also...
Calico Kittens, Enesco
Cherished Teddies, Enesco
Friends of the Feather, Enesco
Growing Up Girls, Enesco
Jim Shore, Enesco
Lucy & Me, Enesco
Mary's Moo Moos, Enesco
Memories of Yesterday, Enesco
My Blushing Bunnies, Enesco
My Little Kitchen Fairies, Enesco
Other Enesco Items, Enesco
Pretty as a Picture, Enesco
Raggedy Ann & Andy, Enesco
Rudolph, Enesco
Tender Tails, Enesco
This Little Piggy, Enesco

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