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Sarah's Attic

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Sarah'S Attic Lot - All Figurines PicturedSarah'S Attic Lot - All Figurines Pictured $32.99 1989 Sarah's Attic African American Doll Sassafras (Ftn)1989 Sarah's Attic African American Doll Sassafras (Ftn) $66.30
Sarah's Attic Sarah's Gang Teacher Shina BnibSarah's Attic Sarah's Gang Teacher Shina Bnib $12.95 Rare Vtg Sarah’s Attic Children Figurines • Set Of 3 In Excellent Condition UsaRare Vtg Sarah’s Attic Children Figurines • Set Of 3 In Excellent Condition Usa $15.95
New Listing1999 Sarah’s Attic Snowonders Putter Snowman Figurine Golfer Club BallNew Listing1999 Sarah’s Attic Snowonders Putter Snowman Figurine Golfer Club Ball $15.34 Sarah's Attic ~ Kitty ~ Black Heritage CollectionSarah's Attic ~ Kitty ~ Black Heritage Collection $12.00
sarah's attic - sarah's gang "Willie Teaches Respect" doll - L7sarah's attic - sarah's gang "Willie Teaches Respect" doll - L7 $6.50 Sarah's Attic 1990 Figurine Pearl Girl w/ Teddy Limited Ed. Numbered Usa RareSarah's Attic 1990 Figurine Pearl Girl w/ Teddy Limited Ed. Numbered Usa Rare $49.99
Sarah's Attic Figurine Lot Includes 2 Sitters One Limited Edition Signed SarahSarah's Attic Figurine Lot Includes 2 Sitters One Limited Edition Signed Sarah $35.00 Sarah's Attic Bunny With Carrots Peter Rabbit Large Vintage Made in Usa EasterSarah's Attic Bunny With Carrots Peter Rabbit Large Vintage Made in Usa Easter $11.48
6 Sarahs Attic figurine lot6 Sarahs Attic figurine lot $25.99 Sarah's Attic Granny’s Favorite Large 12" Boy Country Baby Bear Signed Ltd Ed.Sarah's Attic Granny’s Favorite Large 12" Boy Country Baby Bear Signed Ltd Ed. $49.95
Sarah's Attic, Labor of Love Sewing 1994? Signed, 1995? Quilting, AngelSarah's Attic, Labor of Love Sewing 1994? Signed, 1995? Quilting, Angel $24.95 Sarah's Attic Prissy and Peanut # 456/2000 with Certificate Limited Edition 1994Sarah's Attic Prissy and Peanut # 456/2000 with Certificate Limited Edition 1994 $23.00
sarahs attic snowonders collectionsarahs attic snowonders collection $50.00 Sarah's Attic Holiday Figurine Signed Limited Edition Friends Forever Moon angelSarah's Attic Holiday Figurine Signed Limited Edition Friends Forever Moon angel $29.71
Sarah’s Attic Snowonders- Top Hat Collection - “Starlight” #7978 (2000)Sarah’s Attic Snowonders- Top Hat Collection - “Starlight” #7978 (2000) $25.50 Vtg Sarah's Attic Granny's Favorites Boy in OverallsVtg Sarah's Attic Granny's Favorites Boy in Overalls $11.97
Sarah's Attic 1990 Figurine Pearl African American Numbered Usa Girl UsedSarah's Attic 1990 Figurine Pearl African American Numbered Usa Girl Used $15.99 Lot of 4 Vintage Sarah’s Attic Black Heritage Figurines, All Signed (#15)Lot of 4 Vintage Sarah’s Attic Black Heritage Figurines, All Signed (#15) $19.95
Sarah's Attic Black Tillie Nurse Classics Series Still New In Box Free ShippingSarah's Attic Black Tillie Nurse Classics Series Still New In Box Free Shipping $15.00 Sarah'S Attic, Ruby, Forever Friends, Member'S Only, Limited Edition, 1991Sarah'S Attic, Ruby, Forever Friends, Member'S Only, Limited Edition, 1991 $19.99
Sarah’s Attic Sarah’s Gang Large WagonSarah’s Attic Sarah’s Gang Large Wagon $39.99 Sarah’s Attic 4th Of July Lot Of 4 FiguresSarah’s Attic 4th Of July Lot Of 4 Figures $24.99
Vintage Sarah's Attic 1990 Enos Angel Figurine Holiday Black American Limited 4”Vintage Sarah's Attic 1990 Enos Angel Figurine Holiday Black American Limited 4” $19.95 Sarah's Attic Figurine Lot *Santa* *Christmas Trees* *Stove*Sarah's Attic Figurine Lot *Santa* *Christmas Trees* *Stove* $124.99
Sarah's Attic Hoppin' Floppers March Carrot Kite Retired 1999Sarah's Attic Hoppin' Floppers March Carrot Kite Retired 1999 $12.95 Sarah’s Attic Collectibles - Daisy Book And Sitting Figure Lot Very RareSarah’s Attic Collectibles - Daisy Book And Sitting Figure Lot Very Rare $34.99
Sarah's Attic Figurines. Rabbits, Bunnies & More. 1990s. Lot Of 6Sarah's Attic Figurines. Rabbits, Bunnies & More. 1990s. Lot Of 6 $30.00 Sarah'S Attic - “American Pride” What'S Your Style?- July/ hand Signed 12/0021Sarah'S Attic - “American Pride” What'S Your Style?- July/ hand Signed 12/0021 $12.99
Vintage Sarah's Attic I Pledge Allegiance 1993 Children Usa Flag W Heart MintVintage Sarah's Attic I Pledge Allegiance 1993 Children Usa Flag W Heart Mint $9.95 Sarah'S Attic Basket Of Treasures 1997 Forever Friends Collectors Club ReadSarah'S Attic Basket Of Treasures 1997 Forever Friends Collectors Club Read $13.99
Vintage Sarah's Attic Sarah's Gang Willie Teaches Respect 11” Doll 1996 FigureVintage Sarah's Attic Sarah's Gang Willie Teaches Respect 11” Doll 1996 Figure $16.00 Sarahs Attic Figurines Limited Edition "love" 1993 & Graduate 1991. (#10)Sarahs Attic Figurines Limited Edition "love" 1993 & Graduate 1991. (#10) $15.00
Sarah's Attic Black Angel Adora Classics Series Still New In Box Free ShippingSarah's Attic Black Angel Adora Classics Series Still New In Box Free Shipping $15.00 Vintage Sarah's Attic Figure Little Boy GroomVintage Sarah's Attic Figure Little Boy Groom $4.00
Sarah's Attic Figures African American Boy & Girl in Blue Dress w/PuppySarah's Attic Figures African American Boy & Girl in Blue Dress w/Puppy $25.00 Sarahs Attic Black Heritage Friends & Love Assortment (#13)Sarahs Attic Black Heritage Friends & Love Assortment (#13) $18.95
Sarah's Attic Snowonders: Two items: July # 6406 And Celebrate #7532 New in BoxSarah's Attic Snowonders: Two items: July # 6406 And Celebrate #7532 New in Box $19.99 Sarah’s Attic Collectibles - Puffin w/ Marbles Granny’s FavoritesSarah’s Attic Collectibles - Puffin w/ Marbles Granny’s Favorites $14.99
Sarah's Attic Angel Dec Adora Figurine African American Girl Sisters Set PairSarah's Attic Angel Dec Adora Figurine African American Girl Sisters Set Pair $23.99 Sarahs Attic Papa #491 Nana #50 Bunnies 8" Tall W/Necklaces 1994 Limited EditionSarahs Attic Papa #491 Nana #50 Bunnies 8" Tall W/Necklaces 1994 Limited Edition $29.50
Sarah's Attic #9131 Yummykin Gingerbread February My Favorites Valentine NewSarah's Attic #9131 Yummykin Gingerbread February My Favorites Valentine New $25.00 Sarah's Gang by Sarah's Attic Patter Usa AngelSarah's Gang by Sarah's Attic Patter Usa Angel $9.95
Sarah's Attic 1990 Figurine Percy Boy w/ Dog Limited Ed. Numbered Vtg Usa RareSarah's Attic 1990 Figurine Percy Boy w/ Dog Limited Ed. Numbered Vtg Usa Rare $49.99 New In Box Sarah'S Attic #7569 Snowonders "Ouch" Snowman Ice Skating Free ShipNew In Box Sarah'S Attic #7569 Snowonders "Ouch" Snowman Ice Skating Free Ship $15.00
10"Vintage Sarah's Attic Grannys Favorites Limited Edition African American doll10"Vintage Sarah's Attic Grannys Favorites Limited Edition African American doll $40.00 Sarah's Attic Figurine Wagon Of Fun Teddy Bear Sarah’s Gang 1994 UsedSarah's Attic Figurine Wagon Of Fun Teddy Bear Sarah’s Gang 1994 Used $32.99
Sarah's Attic Henry The Rabbit Sitting On Crate Limited Edition Figurine 1992 4"Sarah's Attic Henry The Rabbit Sitting On Crate Limited Edition Figurine 1992 4" $9.99 Sarah's Attic Jewel #59 Figurine Signed Limited Ed June 1993 Girl W/clown DollSarah's Attic Jewel #59 Figurine Signed Limited Ed June 1993 Girl W/clown Doll $15.00
Vintage Sarah's Attic Snowonders August Turtle 7730 Green & White With SeashellsVintage Sarah's Attic Snowonders August Turtle 7730 Green & White With Seashells $14.24 Snowonders Harvest Pilgrim figurine Sarah's Attic Thanksgiving Holiday NovemberSnowonders Harvest Pilgrim figurine Sarah's Attic Thanksgiving Holiday November $5.00
Sarah's Attic Colors of Life Figurine Swirling Green Scarf -Hand Chipped 4”x7.5”Sarah's Attic Colors of Life Figurine Swirling Green Scarf -Hand Chipped 4”x7.5” $79.99 Sarah's Attic Winter Charming Totes 2” Mini Bag with Box.Sarah's Attic Winter Charming Totes 2” Mini Bag with Box. $20.00
Vintage Lot of 4 Sarah's Attic Darling Girl & Brown & Red Boys Desk Shelf SitterVintage Lot of 4 Sarah's Attic Darling Girl & Brown & Red Boys Desk Shelf Sitter $32.50 New Listing🔥 Sarah’s Attic Snowonders Figurine Football “ Believe In Teamwork “ 2001 SnowNew Listing🔥 Sarah’s Attic Snowonders Figurine Football “ Believe In Teamwork “ 2001 Snow $9.95
Sarah'S Attic Snowonders At Work 7258 "Luv" 1999 1E/1693 Le Retired SnowmanSarah'S Attic Snowonders At Work 7258 "Luv" 1999 1E/1693 Le Retired Snowman $24.90 Sarah'S Attic - Snowonders Mr. America Figurine, American Pride Vintage 2001Sarah'S Attic - Snowonders Mr. America Figurine, American Pride Vintage 2001 $12.50
Lot 13 Sarah's Attic Limited Edition Figurines ChildrenLot 13 Sarah's Attic Limited Edition Figurines Children $100.00 7 Sarah's Attic Angel Figurines. 1990s7 Sarah's Attic Angel Figurines. 1990s $35.00
Sarah'S Attic Nativity Christmas Figurine Set Holy Family Pottery Jesus NiceSarah'S Attic Nativity Christmas Figurine Set Holy Family Pottery Jesus Nice $49.99 Sarah's Attic Sa Bunny Rabbit Girl Figurine & Heart 1403 Shelf Sitter 6" VintageSarah's Attic Sa Bunny Rabbit Girl Figurine & Heart 1403 Shelf Sitter 6" Vintage $12.00
Sarah’s Attic Collectibles - “Bomber” Boy w/ Train Limited EditionSarah’s Attic Collectibles - “Bomber” Boy w/ Train Limited Edition $15.99 Sarah's Attic Snowonders September Snow School Snowonderville 2000Sarah's Attic Snowonders September Snow School Snowonderville 2000 $19.00
Click to see more Sarah's Attic items at
Prices current as of last update, 02/17/25 1:31am.

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