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Precious Moments Figurine, "May your Birthday be a Blessing", E2826, 1983Precious Moments Figurine, "May your Birthday be a Blessing", E2826, 1983 $4.99 Reduced Precious Moments Birthday Club Membership Figurines From 1990’s-12Reduced Precious Moments Birthday Club Membership Figurines From 1990’s-12 $75.00
Precious Moments Birthday Train Age 12 Give A Grin And Let The Fun BeginPrecious Moments Birthday Train Age 12 Give A Grin And Let The Fun Begin $40.00 1985 Precious Moments Birthday Series Train "For Baby” Baby Bear 159381985 Precious Moments Birthday Series Train "For Baby” Baby Bear 15938 $8.45
1990 Precious Moments “ May Your Birthday Be A Blessing” New In Box 5243011990 Precious Moments “ May Your Birthday Be A Blessing” New In Box 524301 $24.99 Precious Moments Birthday Series Train 1985 Lot of 7 Baby to 6 Years BoxedPrecious Moments Birthday Series Train 1985 Lot of 7 Baby to 6 Years Boxed $49.97
Vintage Precious Moments 94-97 Figurines, Rare Growing In Grace Birthday EnescoVintage Precious Moments 94-97 Figurines, Rare Growing In Grace Birthday Enesco $14.52 Precious Moments Birthday Series from 1990’s Lot Ages 0-7Precious Moments Birthday Series from 1990’s Lot Ages 0-7 $30.00
Precious Moments Baby's First Birthday Figurine #524069Precious Moments Baby's First Birthday Figurine #524069 $19.83 Precious Moments 101525 September Morning Glory: Easily Contented 2001Precious Moments 101525 September Morning Glory: Easily Contented 2001 $12.00
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Precious Moments Happy Birthday Figurine You're The Icing On My Cupcake 193019Precious Moments Happy Birthday Figurine You're The Icing On My Cupcake 193019 $49.99 2003 Precious Moments train It's Your Birthday Live It Up Large 14 Walrus 1169452003 Precious Moments train It's Your Birthday Live It Up Large 14 Walrus 116945 $29.99
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1995 Precious Moments “Hoppy Birthday” Symbol Of Membership B0010 Nib1995 Precious Moments “Hoppy Birthday” Symbol Of Membership B0010 Nib $4.00 Precious Moments 'Oinky Birthday' Figurine #524506Precious Moments 'Oinky Birthday' Figurine #524506 $10.95
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Precious Moments 04 - Make A Splash On Your Birthday - Ariel Age Four 104406 BraPrecious Moments 04 - Make A Splash On Your Birthday - Ariel Age Four 104406 Bra $32.95 Precious Moments 1983 "E2826" "May Your Birthday Be A Blessing"Precious Moments 1983 "E2826" "May Your Birthday Be A Blessing" $20.00
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Precious Moments Birthday Train, Age 13, You Mean The Moose To Me, BisquePrecious Moments Birthday Train, Age 13, You Mean The Moose To Me, Bisque $40.00 Precious Moments Birthday Train, Age 16, 16 And Feline Fine, Bisque PorcelainPrecious Moments Birthday Train, Age 16, 16 And Feline Fine, Bisque Porcelain $40.00
Precious Moments Birthday Train Age 1-3 & For Baby 1985 VintagePrecious Moments Birthday Train Age 1-3 & For Baby 1985 Vintage $7.00 Precious Moments Growing In Grace Figurines Ages 4,5,6,7,9,11,12,14,15,16.Precious Moments Growing In Grace Figurines Ages 4,5,6,7,9,11,12,14,15,16. $14.95 to
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Precious Moments Figurines Happy Birthday Jesus 530492 Mini Nativity 1993Precious Moments Figurines Happy Birthday Jesus 530492 Mini Nativity 1993 $14.99 Precious Moments Growing In Grace Blonde Age Seven Birthday Girl 7 154034Precious Moments Growing In Grace Blonde Age Seven Birthday Girl 7 154034 $48.00
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Prices current as of last update, 02/17/25 7:31am.

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