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3 Sets Of Vintage Avon Ruby Red Cape Cod Short Footed Glasses Tumblers Boxed3 Sets Of Vintage Avon Ruby Red Cape Cod Short Footed Glasses Tumblers Boxed $29.99 Set of 4 Avon Cape Cod Ruby Red Footed 4" High Tumbler Cups Glass Short GobletsSet of 4 Avon Cape Cod Ruby Red Footed 4" High Tumbler Cups Glass Short Goblets $15.27
Vintage 4 Set Avon Frosted, Satin Glass, Water Glass, Wine Goblet, c1980sVintage 4 Set Avon Frosted, Satin Glass, Water Glass, Wine Goblet, c1980s $39.99 Set of Avon Fostoria George Washington Martha Washington Cobalt Blue TumblersSet of Avon Fostoria George Washington Martha Washington Cobalt Blue Tumblers $20.69
Pair Vintage Cape Cod Red Avon Cordials Goblets Great for ChristmasPair Vintage Cape Cod Red Avon Cordials Goblets Great for Christmas $29.00 4 Vintage Avon Goblets 1978 Avon4 Vintage Avon Goblets 1978 Avon $31.00
Set of 4 Avon Royal Sapphire Cobalt Blue Tumblers Goblets Leaves DiamondSet of 4 Avon Royal Sapphire Cobalt Blue Tumblers Goblets Leaves Diamond $34.88 17 Piece Ruby Red Avon Cape Cod Goblets glassware Cordial Tumbler Sugar And Mugs17 Piece Ruby Red Avon Cape Cod Goblets glassware Cordial Tumbler Sugar And Mugs $99.99
Avon Cape Cod Ruby Red Glass Set of 2 Footed Tumblers Dessert CupsAvon Cape Cod Ruby Red Glass Set of 2 Footed Tumblers Dessert Cups $17.00 Avon 1876 Cape Cod Pattern Red Ruby 6" Goblet & TumblerAvon 1876 Cape Cod Pattern Red Ruby 6" Goblet & Tumbler $10.00
Set Of 4 Avon 1876 Cape Cod Ruby Glass Footed Tumblers Dessert Dish GobletSet Of 4 Avon 1876 Cape Cod Ruby Glass Footed Tumblers Dessert Dish Goblet $25.00 7 Rare Vtg 1979 Avon FlowerFrost Collection Frosted Water Goblets New Barware7 Rare Vtg 1979 Avon FlowerFrost Collection Frosted Water Goblets New Barware $65.00
Opalescent Frosted Tumbler Goblet Stem Glass by Avon Floral Design PatternOpalescent Frosted Tumbler Goblet Stem Glass by Avon Floral Design Pattern $14.99 Vintage Collectible 3.75" Avon 1876 Cape Cod Ruby Red Glass Short Footed TumblerVintage Collectible 3.75" Avon 1876 Cape Cod Ruby Red Glass Short Footed Tumbler $8.00
Avon Cape Cod Short Footed Tumblers (Set of 4)Avon Cape Cod Short Footed Tumblers (Set of 4) $29.50 Avon Cape Cod Collection-Ruby Red Glass- Short Footed TumblerAvon Cape Cod Collection-Ruby Red Glass- Short Footed Tumbler $6.49
Avon Flowerfrost Collection Water Goblet, Sherbet Glass, Crescent Plate etc NosAvon Flowerfrost Collection Water Goblet, Sherbet Glass, Crescent Plate etc Nos $24.99 S-669 Set of 2 Vtg Avon Cranberry Cape Cod Glass Footed Tumblers Short GobletsS-669 Set of 2 Vtg Avon Cranberry Cape Cod Glass Footed Tumblers Short Goblets $5.00
The 1876 Avon Cape Cod Collection Footed 3 1/2 " Tumbler GlassThe 1876 Avon Cape Cod Collection Footed 3 1/2 " Tumbler Glass $18.99 Avon Hand Painted Set of 6 Violet Glassware Drinkware Signed J WalshAvon Hand Painted Set of 6 Violet Glassware Drinkware Signed J Walsh $23.99
Set of 6 Avon Frosted Flower Collection Goblets/Sundae Cups/Wine GlassesSet of 6 Avon Frosted Flower Collection Goblets/Sundae Cups/Wine Glasses $29.99 Set/2 Vintage Avon 1876 Cape Cod Ruby Red Glass Footed Goblets 3.75” TallSet/2 Vintage Avon 1876 Cape Cod Ruby Red Glass Footed Goblets 3.75” Tall $12.00
Avon George Washington Goblet, No box, w/ candleAvon George Washington Goblet, No box, w/ candle $12.99 Lot of 16 Vintage Avon Flower Frost Water Goblets 8 ct. + Sherbet Cups 8 ct.Lot of 16 Vintage Avon Flower Frost Water Goblets 8 ct. + Sherbet Cups 8 ct. $20.00
Vintage Avon Cape Cod Red Water Wine Goblet StemwareVintage Avon Cape Cod Red Water Wine Goblet Stemware $19.70 A Set Of (4) Avon Flower Frost White Frosted Glass Wine Goblets 1979 Pre Owned.A Set Of (4) Avon Flower Frost White Frosted Glass Wine Goblets 1979 Pre Owned. $16.00
Avon Cape Cod Footed Glass Tumbler, Set/6Avon Cape Cod Footed Glass Tumbler, Set/6 $24.00 Set of 2 Vtg Avon Cranberry Cape Cod Glass Footed Tumblers Short GobletsSet of 2 Vtg Avon Cranberry Cape Cod Glass Footed Tumblers Short Goblets $10.99
Vintage Avon Tumbler 2 Glass cape cod ruby red collectionVintage Avon Tumbler 2 Glass cape cod ruby red collection $20.00 2 Vintage Ruby Red Avon Footed Tumblers Short Goblets Cape Cod Pattern2 Vintage Ruby Red Avon Footed Tumblers Short Goblets Cape Cod Pattern $21.00
Avon Collectible Set of 4 Etched Drinking Glasses 120 Anniversary 12 oz. in BoxAvon Collectible Set of 4 Etched Drinking Glasses 120 Anniversary 12 oz. in Box $26.99 Vintage Avon 1876 Cape Code Collection Footed Glass Set Ruby Red w/ Box TumblersVintage Avon 1876 Cape Code Collection Footed Glass Set Ruby Red w/ Box Tumblers $14.62
Avon Frosted Footed Wine Goblets & Sherbert Cups Set Of 4Avon Frosted Footed Wine Goblets & Sherbert Cups Set Of 4 $25.00 Avon Frosted Water GobletsAvon Frosted Water Goblets $100.00
Lot of 29 Pcs. Ruby Red Cape Cod Goblets, Tumblers, Candle Sticks + MoreLot of 29 Pcs. Ruby Red Cape Cod Goblets, Tumblers, Candle Sticks + More $89.99 15 Pcs. Avon Ruby Red Cape Cod Tumblers, Sm. Goblets, Mugs + More15 Pcs. Avon Ruby Red Cape Cod Tumblers, Sm. Goblets, Mugs + More $39.99
2 Vtg Ruby Red Avon Footed Tumblers Short Goblets Cape Cod Pattern glass2 Vtg Ruby Red Avon Footed Tumblers Short Goblets Cape Cod Pattern glass $24.95 Avon 1876 Cape Cod Ruby Red 6” tall, 3.5" wide Cordial Goblets, set of 2, EucAvon 1876 Cape Cod Ruby Red 6” tall, 3.5" wide Cordial Goblets, set of 2, Euc $17.00
Avon 1876 Cape Cod Ruby Red 4.5” Cordial Goblet - Set Of 2 GlassesAvon 1876 Cape Cod Ruby Red 4.5” Cordial Goblet - Set Of 2 Glasses $7.50 Avon Cape Cod Collection Short Footed Tumbler Ruby Red Glass CranberryAvon Cape Cod Collection Short Footed Tumbler Ruby Red Glass Cranberry $16.00
Avon Martha Washington Goblet, No box, no candle.Avon Martha Washington Goblet, No box, no candle. $10.99 Avon Gobletts #'s 8 & 10 1978Avon Gobletts #'s 8 & 10 1978 $6.95
New ListingVintage Avon Team Achievement Award Third Quarter 1977 Hurricane Glass GobletNew ListingVintage Avon Team Achievement Award Third Quarter 1977 Hurricane Glass Goblet $5.00 Set of 2 Vtg Ruby Red Avon Footed Tumblers Short Goblets Cape Cod Pattern glassSet of 2 Vtg Ruby Red Avon Footed Tumblers Short Goblets Cape Cod Pattern glass $9.00
Vintage Avon Cape Cod Collection Short Footed Tumbler Ruby Red Glass CranberryVintage Avon Cape Cod Collection Short Footed Tumbler Ruby Red Glass Cranberry $5.50 Avon Royal Sapphire Collection Set Of 4 Cobalt Blue Tumbler Goblets France 10ozAvon Royal Sapphire Collection Set Of 4 Cobalt Blue Tumbler Goblets France 10oz $49.99
Avon Acrylic Tumbler Stemless Wineglass Goblet Cup Set Of 4 • New • Palm LeavesAvon Acrylic Tumbler Stemless Wineglass Goblet Cup Set Of 4 • New • Palm Leaves $14.99 Set of 4 Vtg Avon Cranberry Cape Cod Glass Footed Tumblers Short Goblets 4”Set of 4 Vtg Avon Cranberry Cape Cod Glass Footed Tumblers Short Goblets 4” $12.00
Vintage Avon Royal Saphire cobalt Blue Glass Tumbler 14 ounceVintage Avon Royal Saphire cobalt Blue Glass Tumbler 14 ounce $14.99 The 1876 Avon Cape Cod Collection Footed 3 1/2" Tumbler Glass Ruby Red Bowl DishThe 1876 Avon Cape Cod Collection Footed 3 1/2" Tumbler Glass Ruby Red Bowl Dish $8.00
Click to see more Goblets, Tumblers items at
Prices current as of last update, 02/14/25 4:31pm.

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